Annual Registration, Payment Methods & Policies

  • Annual Insurance & Registration of $49 (+GST) (expires Aug 31st, '25) is required for all programs - non-refundable.

    Payment Options

    1. Visa or MasterCard payments for initial fees, followed by monthly payments to June, are available and processed automatically on the 1st of each month via our online service provider partner 'Studio Director'.

    2. Pre-authorized Debit (PAD)

      • Step 1 - Register online, and provide a payment of initial fees before 12 am on the same day, online via credit card (with 2.4% surcharge) or during office hours via debit/cheque/e-transfer .

      • Step 2 - Sign a PAD agreement for monthly payments for the first of each month. Cancel anytime in accordance with our class calendar (no 2.4% surcharge).

      IMPORTANT: If payment is not received on the same day before 12am, the registration is cancelled by software provider.

    3. In Person: Pay via cash/cheque/debit or credit card during stated administration office hours (see website for office hours).

    Please note:

    • For payment options 1 & 2, the 5th week of May '25 is pre-paid upon registration - refundable upon early cancellation

    • Unpaid fees 7 days past the 1st of the current month will result in loss of class placement

    • A 2.4% non-refundable surcharge applies to all credit card transactions

    • A $15 + GST fee applies to late payments after 72 hours

  • We encourage trial classes for those looking to join any of our programs. Trial classes are $10 + GST and can be scheduled by contacting the office (no more than 7 days in advance). Trial classes do not guarantee future class placement and are not offered Sept. 1-14th.


    • Depending on the program, drop-in(s) may be available for youth programs at $25 + GST , plus a casual registration fee of $25 + GST for non-members.

    • Adult drop-in for flexibility, handstands, and other specialty classes is $20 + GST.

  • Enrollment is continuous. Fees are pro-rated at the time of registration for those starting after the 1st of the month. Start anytime!

  • A 10% discount is given for a single payment that covers (10 months) September 2024 to June 2025. All lump sum payments are non-refundable; however, a class credit note is provided and is transferable to any child who has not taken part in classes no less than 10 months prior to the date of redemption. Group rates are available for 3 or more - all group members must belong to the same family/organization.

    • Multi-class discount:

      • When you enroll in two classes per week (that isn’t regularly scheduled for twice a week), the second class is 20% off

  • Make-up classes are available for as long as a student is 'Actively Registered' (current month paid in full) and the missed class has been reported beforehand (3hrs. min.) via our website. Make-up classes are not guaranteed (due to limited availability), are only scheduled by emailing us, and are served on a first come, first serve basis. Make-up no shows results in the loss of class owed. If fees are owed, make-up classes are disallowed.

    Note: Missed classes are not refundable. There is a non-refundable $5+GST fee/make-up class. Make-up class durations may be greater or less than regular scheduled class duration. Make-up opportunities for missed classes end June 28th, 2025 and are not transferable.

  • Class placements that are reserved must be paid for regardless of attendance. Please advise office of any status change. Any student with learning or behavioural challenges must be disclosed and discussed with administration prior to registration.

  • Class fees are non-refundable. When notice has been received via or emailed before the current month's cut off date (outlined in this brochure's Class/Fee Calendar) all 'recurring' auto debit and credit card payments will stop and class credit is provided for unused class time remaining in the month of cancellation. Notice after the deadline results in 25% of the next months fees being processed - any remaining balance will be applied against any fees owed. All payments are processed until written notice is received. Credit can be used at this facility for any program and any household/family member. All credits are without cash value and decrease by 25% annually from the anniversary date issued.

    Note: If paying via pre-authorized debit payments, cancellations must be received 5 business days before the 1st of the month. Cancellations received after this date will be processed and a credit note will be issued.

  • Regardless of payment method, amount or frequency, if Victoria Gymnastics is ordered to close by a governing body for any instance or manner including, but not limited to: disaster, pandemic, war, terrorism, vandalism, riot, protest, strike, fire, earthquake, flood, tsunami, blizzard, tornado and storm, class credit (no refunds) will be provided for any class time remaining in the class calendar month of the incident and all scheduled future payment(s) will immediately STOP!

  • We reserve the right to cancel or change class or camp times; in either case, notification will be given and classes/camps will be rescheduled or refunded at our discretion. From time to time, class ratios may be affected by a coach’s illness — every effort is made to minimize this occurrence. Such events may also necessitate a temporary substitute instructor for your child’s class and/or a co-ed combination of classes.


    • Other conditions apply.

    • If no fees are owed


Structure of Programs

Programs are structured around two award testing periods. This skill testing frequency provides students, and their parents, an opportunity to receive feedback as they move through our proprietary Medallion Program at their own pace.

All class ratios (except adult or specialty classes) are guaranteed at a max of ≤ 8:1

Class Descriptions

  • This program is designed to foster parent-child interaction within a gymnastics setting. Parents assist their children by providing spotting support and maintaining focus throughout the session. Parent & Tot and Kindergym classes are held concurrently. This setup readies tots for a smooth transition to the independence required in Kindergym. Tots explore movement through exercises that build towards basic movement patterns featured in our proprietary Medallion Program. Activities include the use of bars, beams, trampolines, springboards, tumble and air tracks, and floor exercises. The child-to-instructor ratio is ≤ 8:1. Note: All parents must sign a separate waiver in addition to their child's.

    • Class Length: 60 minutes*

      • *⌛ Monday’s classes are 70 minutes long to compensate for for 6 holiday closures

    • Parental Participation required; with adult waiver

    • Experienced 3.5 year olds and older may be better suited for a Kindergym class. Please consult with an administrator

    • Caution parents! Uneven and ‘changing in levels of spport’ surfaces

    • Class fees:

      • Base fee: $71/mo. +GST (one 60 minute class a week)

      • +10% on fee for popular class times:

        • 9:35-10:35am on Saturday and Sunday

        • 11:00am-12:00pm on Saturday and Sunday

      • Discount: -10% on fee on class fee for less popular class times:

        • 9:20-10:20am on Friday

        • 1:00-2:00pm on Monday, Thursday, and Fiday

        • 4:50-5:50pm on Friday

  • The focus of Kindergym is on enjoyment and learning basic gymnastics movements and terminology. Attention is given to safe physical development, proper body placement, and age-appropriate skills. Lessons correspond to the first four levels of our proprietary Medallion Program, ranging from Burgundy to Gold. Children gain confidence in elements involving rotation, landing, balance, flight, swing, and spring. The ratio of children to instructors is ≤ 8:1. Note: Children must be able to use the restroom independently.

    • No parental assistance required (Co-ed)

    • Medallion Program: Burgandy - Bronze

    • Must be washroom independent

    • Class fees:

      • Base fees:

        • $71/mo. + GST (one 60 minute class a week)

        • $81/mo. + GST (one 75 minute class a week)

        • $91/mo. + GST (one 90 minute class a week)

      • +10% on fee for popular class times:

        • 9:35-10:50am on Saturday and Sunday

        • 11:00am-12:15pm on Saturday and Sunday

      • Discount: -10% on fee on class fee for less popular class times:

        • 9:20-10:20am on Friday

        • 1:00-2:00pm on Monday, Thursday, and Fiday

        • 4:50-5:50pm on Friday

  • Our recreational programs are primarily designed to be enjoyable and engaging, while also promoting superior physical development, including flexibility and strength. These programs offer challenging activities that foster a sense of success and accomplishment. Lessons are based on the first seven levels of our proprietary Medallion Program, from Burgundy to Gold. Instruction covers all Olympic gymnastics events and trampoline. Progress assessments are conducted twice annually, followed by the presentation of medallions and routines. The club maintains records of each student's progress to aid in future class placements. The ratio of children to instructors is ≤ 8:1.

    • Medallion Program: Burgandy to Turqoise

    • Each class is streamed according to age, award level and/or previous experience

    • Boys and girls classes held concurrently

    Class fee Structure :

    • One 1 hour class per week: $71.00/mo.+ GST

    • One 75min class per week: $81/mo.+ GST

    • One 1.5 hour class per week: $91.00/mo.+ GST

    • +10% class fee added for popular class times: 9:35-10:50am on Saturdays and Sundays

  • These programs continue to emphasize fun and physical development with an emphasis on skill progressions for advanced gymnastics. Students follow our proprietary Medallion Program. With the advanced nature of the skills performed, two classes per week are recommended, although the option of one class is available. (≤ 8:1 ratio)

    • Class length: 2 hours*

      • 20 minutes per class added on Mondays to compensate for 6 holiday closures

    • Students are grouped by similar age

    • a strong round off is required

    • Medallion program: Silver through Gold award levels

    • Entry based on assessment

    • Class fees:

      • $111/mo. + GST (one 2 hour class per week)

      • $101/mo. + GST (one 1 hour 45 minute class per week)

        • Note: If you enroll in two classes per week then the second class is 20% off

  • This introductory course is designed for teenagers with little or no previous gymnastics experience. Classes are scheduled concurrently with the 'Advanced Recreation' program to ensure that beginner teens are grouped with gymnasts of a similar age. The program format mirrors that of the Advanced Recreation class, including medallion program assessments as outlined in this brochure's calendar. (≤ 8:1 ratio)

    • Class length: 2 hours*

      • 20 minutes per class added on Mondays to compensate for 6 holiday closures

    • Medallion Program: Burgandy through Gold award levels

    • Boys and girls are coached in separate groups (no experience required)

    • Coach in Training program available

    • Class fee: $111/mo. (one 2 hour class per week)

  • Performance A - Ages 5.5 to 8 years

    The experienced 5.5-8 yr. will benefit from a greater emphasis on skill refinement. Entry is by invitation after taking part in our annual testing. As a skill standard, all Performance students can lift their legs to a bar from a hanging position. These students will take part in award presentations, displays and other promotional activities. Minimum 2 classes per week. Purchase of display atire may be required.

    Performance B & C - Ages 8 to 17

    Children are invited into this group based upon the results of our annual testing; as a standard, students in this program are able to demonstrate a stable round-off. This program involves a more enriched and intense gymnastic workout where skill execution is emphasized. These students may eventually be invited into one of our higher level programs. It is required that these children attend a min. of two classes per week. More frequent training sessions provide the necessary repetition the gymnast will require to maintain this skill level. Performance students, who attend two times per week, are invited to take part in mall display, parades and other promotional activites. Purchase of display attire may be required. ( ≤ 8:1 ratio)

    For all performance programs:

    • Entrance via invitation only

    • Students who follow Medallion Program with a stronger emphasis on skill aesthetics

    • For students who are interested in events such as mall displays and parades

    • Must pass entry test requirements (a stable round-off and be able to lift their legs to a bar from a still hang)

    • Class fee: $101/mo. +GST (for one 1 hour 45 minute class per week)

    • Class length: 2 hour* classes twice a week

      • *13 & 20 minutes added on Monday’s classes to compensate for 6 holiday closures

    • Class fee: $177.60/mo. + GST (for two 2 hour classes a week)

  • This class time is exclusively reserved for registered home and distributed learners, providing a non-competitive environment where the gymnastics curriculum is taught without adherence to a specific skill acquisition timeline. Our Medallion Program rewards students at all stages of achievement, offering a medallion for completion levels ranging from 0 to 60% across any of the 14 progressive levels. This presents a unique opportunity for home-schooled children to engage in an activity that aligns well with the home learning philosophy.

    • Must be registered Home/Dist. Learner

    • Medallion Program

    • Class fee: $68.85/mo (for one 1 hour 15 minutes class a month)

  • Whether your goal is to master beginner-level skills such as a handstand, cartwheel, or handspring, or to regain proficiency in previously learned gymnastics techniques, this program accommodates all skill levels and objectives. Students are grouped according to similar experience and learning goals. The program places a strong emphasis on floor exercises and trampoline skills. Attending classes twice per week allows for consistent stretching and strength training, providing the physical preparedness required for gymnastics. (≤ 10:1 ratio)

    • All experience levels

    • 10:1 ratio

    • Class fees:

      • Monday + Wednesday classes: $92/mo. + GST (1 hour 15 minutes classes)

      • Tuesday + Thursday classes: $106/mo. +GST (1 hour 30 minutes classes)

      • Friday class: $65/mo. + GST (1 hour class)

  • The aim of this program is to offer a high-quality, affordable gymnastics experience for daycare and school organizations. While participation in the 'Achievement' Medallion Program is recommended, it is understood that not all groups may wish to commit to the required ten classes. Groups that opt out of the Medallion Program will receive instruction based on the same curriculum as those who participate. Maintaining a ≤ 10:1 student-to-teacher ratio helps keep costs down without compromising the quality of instruction. Additionally, care providers are required to assist our instructors at a 5:1 ratio for children aged 3.5 years or younger.

    • Minimum 5 students required per group (co-ed)

    • Maximum 10 to 1 student/teacher ratio

    • Monthly minimum fee assessed according to number agreed upon at time of booking

    • $19/students insurance fee for ≥ 5 sessions.

    • Payments must come from one source only.

    • Ages less than 3.5 years, daycare must provide a teaching assistant for a 5:1 ratio

    • Class fees:

      • Day Care:

        • $27/mo./stu. +GST without awards

        • $30/mo./stu. +GST with awards

      • School trips:

        • $6.75/student/trip + GST

Class Timetable

To view one program at a time, click the name of the program below:

Dynamic Timetable
Monday ⌛Mon


⌛ To make up for holiday closures, all classes on Mondays run longer (10-20 minutes, depending on the normal length of class)

❤ 10% discount on this class time

$ Due to this class time being popular, there is a +10% added to base fee

Class Dates & Fee Calendar

Calendar Information:

This calendar indicates the class days for which fees are assessed each month.

Monthly fees are based on 4 weeks of instruction - except May which includes a fifth week of classes.

All payments are dated for the first of each month.

Class Cancellation:

| The red line, which occurs on the second Saturday of every month, indicates the cut-off day for receiving class credits for the remaining classes in the current month.

If class is cancelled before | the red line:

  1. You will receive class credits for the remaining classes for the month

  2. You will receive your deposit for the last week of may as a class credit

  3. You will not be charged for next month’s classes

If class is cancelled after | the red line but before the 1st of the next month:

  1. You will not receive class credits for the remaining classes for the month

  2. You will not receive your deposit for the last week of may as a class credit

  3. You will not be charged for next month’s classes

Holiday Camps

Our 3 hour long, 4 and 5 day holiday camps provide an excellent opportunity for your child to advance their current skill repertoire; The extended time on each apparatus will ensure that students gain more experience in preparation for the next schedule testing (see calendar). With the implementation of our new Achievement Program containing 1400 skills and progressions, camps provide the equivalent of 3 months of gym time condensed into one week.


  • Winter Holidays (Dec. 30-31, Jan. 2-3)

  • Spring Break (Mar 17-21 & Mar 24-28)

Who: Kindergym (3.5 years) through Advanced Rec. (17 years)


  • $189 + GST for 5 day camps (cost pro-rated for the winter holidays camp as it is 4 days long)

  • A non-refundable fee of $25.00 + GST is required at all levels of membership for insurance and ‘Casual’ registration status.

    • Note: This fee applies to ‘non-members’ only.

Snacks: Students are encouraged to bring a small snack and drink to each day of camp (no nuts please).

Our 14-color/level "Medallion Program" is designed based on the national system. The medallion itself is gold, while the color of the sticker indicates the child's progress. Each time a child earns an award (Step 1, Step 2, or Mastery), they have the opportunity to:

  • a) advance within their current color/level, or

  • b) progress to the next color/level.

Within each level, there are approximately 100 gymnastics skills spanning various events such as floor exercise, rings, vault, parallel bars, uneven bars, high bar, trampoline, pommel horse, and balance beam. These skills increase in complexity as students successfully master each subsequent medallion.

Achievement Program

The percentage range indicates the total number of skills that have been successfully demonstrated to an instructor. Upon mastering a level, a child will start training for the next level up. During the next evaluation session (refer to the class calendar), they will receive a new medallion. The medallions escalate in difficulty in the following order: Burgundy, Red, Tan, Bronze, Purple, Blue, Turquoise, Silver, Orange, Yellow, Green, Grey, White, and Gold.

Please note: Unclaimed medallions will be held at the office for 30 days following the awards week.